Productivity and the Introvert Hangover

Feeling exhausted after being around people for extended periods of time is a real phenomenon for introverts.  And when you're exhausted, productivity goes down.  For an entrepreneur, it's a careful balance between getting the rest you need and moving the needle in your business.

I could absolutely feel my introvert hangover after attending a business retreat over the weekend.  There were 20 of us working on our methods and providing feedback for each other.  I really enjoyed my time the group.

We started around 9am Friday morning and went to 6ish.  Then I went out to dinner with 4 other wonderful female entrepreneurs.  Saturday started around 9:30am, but went until 9pm.  I could feel the urge to leave.  When the tables got moved for a salsa lesson, that's when I had to bow out.  My social battery was completely drained!  I called the Uber and said peace out.

Stage Set for an Introvert Hangover

During my flight back home, I planned to read the book I was gifted the at the retreat, "High Performance Habits," by Brendon Burchard.  But after 2 long, focused days surrounded by people, I was not feeling it.  I had an introvert hangover and didn't even have a sip of alcohol!

I felt guilty about letting a book about productivity and excelling sit idly in my carry-on.  But I wasn't sure if I read if I would have absorbed any information anyway.  So I decided to close my eyes and listen to music for the 4-hour flight.

Because of that decision, I had the energy to play with my daughter and talk to my husband when I got home.  And further, I was more productive on Monday than I thought I would be.

It's so easy as an entrepreneur to keep pushing.  Yet, constant busyness can lead to burn out and missing days to weeks of productivity.

Introverts need to honor their innate need for down time.  It's not a weakness.  It's a requirement for optimal function.

Want to be more productive?  You might need to take several hours or an entire day to refuel your energy.  This is the hallmark of being an introverted entrepreneur.


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