Plan a Retreat on a Budget

Retreats can be high-quality and affordable. This guide will help you minimize expenses and maximize your profits when hosting your retreat!

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Thinking about hosting a retreat but don't want to break the bank...

There is nothing better than getting away from the day-to-day busy-ness of life to work on yourself! And there is real power in "being in the room" at a live event! But, it can be an expensive endeavor.

That's why we developed this free guide. We want to show you how to create an amazing experience for your participants without spending a lot of money.

This free guide will show you:

  • the most affordable location and accommodations
  • what to do about meals and handling food sensitivities
  • fun, engaging activities that cost nothing
  • how to price your retreat so you make a profit

Want all the details? Submit your info and we'll send you the free guide immediately...

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Planning Your Retreat on a Budget

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