Sara Lewis Coaching

personal development coaching for perfectionists

See How I Can Help You

Coaching for Perfectionists

Tired of carrying the mental load?

I see you. The woman juggling the demands of a career, motherhood, and home. You're spread too thin and want to slow down, yet feel guilty for relaxing.

As a recovering perfectionist with a side of control freak thrown in, I get it. You crave control and reliability and wish everyone in your life could just remember what they're supposed to do so you could let go.

You don't have to keep fighting. Imagine a life where the pace is less frenzied, an inner voice that tells you you ARE enough, and peace in the life you've created.

That's the transformation I help my clients achieve...and it's possible for you, too!

What Type of Perfectionist Are You?


You set goals and hit them every time. You're reliable, consistent, and love planning in advance. Your high standards can feel like failures when not met.


You have a strong capacity for empathy. You crave more balance between other's needs and your own. You feel guilty when you say no.


You can see opportunities everywhere. You're naturally enthusiastic. It's a challenge to stay focused, make decisions, and follow through.


You maintain razor-sharp focus on achieving. You do everything yourself because it's easier that way. You have high expectations and are often let down.

Get my free training:
From Self Sabotage to Self Mastery

Do you wonder why you can't seem to stop yourself from bad habits? This training will help you break the cycle of self-sabotage.


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